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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Larissa Israel V. Trotha

Executive Contributor

Sound Healer & Transformational Coach

Larissa Israel V. Trotha

Sound Healer & Transformational Coach

Larissa was born in a city known for peace and happiness in northern Germany, although her entry into the world was anything but serene. When arriving three months premature, her body wasn’t ready to live outside the womb. But her soul was, which might explain why she survived as the only baby in the neonatal intensive care unit that whole year. It wasn't until much later in life that Larissa was able to harness the gifts and divine grace from what doctors deemed a medical miracle. She became a true advocate that the impossible can become possible, especially in the realms of healing arts she seemed destined for.

The serendipitous event that aligned her birthday with the German reunification became an omen for her life purpose: unite! This calling eventually culminated in the creation of her business, "InUnison," a decade ago. Her ambition to use music as a medium for the ongoing change of paradigm, is grounded in uniting sound & health, sound & science as well as sound & spirituality. Her love for music, was cradled into her life, cultivated and refined during the annual Easter Festival in Salzburg, when listening to the Berliner Philharmoniker - her shining, distant star in the firmament of classical music.

After sheltered years in a Rudolf Steiner School and carefree living in the countryside with a passion for anything natural, organic and horseback riding, Larissa fully immersed herself into the bustling metropolitan lifestyle of London and Paris. Despite her adventures, she grappled with uncertainty about her future career and who to become in life. It wasn't until she returned to her native homeland, after years abroad, that the pieces of her diverse and seemingly disparate academic pursuits and degrees came together in a job that appeared tailor-made for her.

Larissa began her professional career with her dream job, tasked with setting up Germany’s first music education department inspired by Sir Simon Rattle at the Berlin Philharmonic. She directed creative music education projects as showcased in the documentary film “Rhythm is it!“). Her work involved collaborations with other world-class orchestras and venues like Carnegie Hall, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, and Salle Pleyel, as well as prestigious festivals including the Salzburger Easter Festival and Festival d’Aix-en-Provence. Her partnerships extended to educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, universities), prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, facilities for the disabled and cultural institutions, broadening the impact of her creative endeavours across society.

Over the course of a decade, Larissa witnessed the profound ability of music to uplift and transform participants in remarkable ways. As she delved into the mysterious power of music, she realized she had unwittingly constructed a golden cage within her high-profile career. Her only escape was a leap into the unknown. After deep introspection and inner work, she found herself living in Indonesia for a year and a half. Before embarking on self-employment, her extensive travels took her to some of the world's most remote and impoverished areas. Larissa had the privilege of learning from Indian Paramahamsas and Swamis, Mongolian shamans, Balinese healers, Dervish Sufi masters, and Tajik Pamiri, exploring how they have used sounds, vibrations, and frequencies for the development, healing, and evolution of humanity for millennia.

It was only when she shifted her focus from outside to inside, from music to sound, from seeking external glory and validation to embracing inner depth and fulfilment, from the individual „I“ to the collective „we“, that she was gifted to heal the traumas of her extremely premature birth. Through this soul-healing, she tapped into the powers of survival, wisdom, and magical insights of her early near-death experiences.

She realised that adulthood involves a cyclic reflection to consciously understand, heal and transform the foundational influences and challenges since (or even before) conception. Her coaching now aims to leverage these formative challenges to foster personal growth and turn them into tools for realising potential and spiritual evolution. Larissa discovered that once individuals experience such spiritual awakenings, they are often inspired to help others achieve similar transformations.

For over a decade, she traveled to work around the globe and now resides with her beloved husband and cherished labby in the country calm vicinity of Hannover. While she offers hands-on services in her private practice, her coaching sessions, workshops, and trainings are also available online. The spiritual retreats she has been leading since 2013, are usually located at special power places abroad.

As our world transitions from analog to digital, we are also shifting away from our mere body-identification to our soul-awareness, readying ourselves to awaken more deeply to the true essence of who we are. Larissa’s calling is to facilitate this transformation, holding space for your personal and spiritual growth. Her mission is clear: Become the composer and conductor of your own life. Embody the music you were meant to live. Her vision is for all of us to tune into a higher divine order, enhancing our vibratory presence to become stronger channels of harmony and love in the world. Are you ready to Tune in & LIvT up—yourself, others, and the planet?

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Transform Your Life With Sound Healing And Spiritual Coaching –Interview With Larissa Israel V. Trotha

As a sound healer, transformational coach, and spiritual mentor, Larissa is a beacon of transformation and a conduit of light, guiding...

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Larissa Israel V. Trotha

Sound Healer & Transformational Coach

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Larissa Israel V. Trotha

Sound Healer & Transformational Coach

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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