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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Keri Platt

Executive Contributor

Health and Mindset Coach

Keri Platt

Health and Mindset Coach

Keri Platt is a Health and Mindset Coach, Founder of KPH Coaching and leader in bio-individual body and mind health. Following a personal journey of profound healing Keri developed a highly successful coaching method, which has seen her clients from all over the world transform their lives. Providing workshops and one to one coaching to private and corporate clients from CEO’s and celebrities to law firms, hedge funds and a global tech company. She is on a mission to empower people to take control of their health and happiness and unlock their full potential.

All articles

The Great Disconnect – How Social Media Has Made Us More Disconnected Than Ever

In a world where we're more connected than ever, thanks to social media, it’s ironic that many of us feel lonelier than ever before.

Guide To The Fascinating World Of Gut Health And The Gut-Brain Connection

A flurry of science and research surrounds and continues to explore our gut health and the gut-brain connection, discovering exciting...

How To Manage Stress And Lower Cortisol – The Invisible Threat To Your Wellbeing

Stress is a word we hear daily, an invisible force that shapes our actions, decisions, and even our health. From looming deadlines...

Fasting – How To Lose Weight, Boost Your Brain, Heal Your Body And Live Longer

Life in the fast lane! Intermittent fasting has become very popular recently, and for good reason. Unlike a fad diet that may help you...

10 Steps To Improve Focus And Productivity In A World Of Information Overload

An infinite ocean of data is at our fingertips, and we are continually bombarded with unnecessary and often unwanted information.

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Keri Platt

Health and Mindset Coach

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Keri Platt

Health and Mindset Coach

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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