Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Avishai El
Psychic Medium & Certified Holistic Health Coach
Avishai El is a 2x International Best-Selling Author, Psychic Medium, and Certified Holistic Health Coach. She is 35 years old and has been in Utah for two years but spent much of her life in Connecticut. Prior to getting into the holistic health and medical field she went to school for Music Education.
Although she had to learn how to teach every instrument and vocal techniques, her focus was violin. She was on the Dean’s List almost every semester and worked hard to obtain scholarships that put her through school.
While she was going to school in 2011, her mom stumbled upon Dr. Joel Fuhrman who was on a television broadcast. He was talking about how eating healthy could get rid of sickness — even cancer, which sparked her interest.
In 2009 we took a big loss when my aunt passed away from pancreatic cancer. She was my best friend and very close to my mom. So, when she heard what Dr. Joel Fuhrman was saying she immediately changed her eating habits.
My mom weighed about 360 lbs. and within 1.5 years she lost 200 lbs. At this time, I was also sick with endometriosis and wanted to lose weight, so I followed suit and changed my diet from vegetarian to vegan. Once I did this, I noticed that I had no more pain and within 1.5 years I also got rid of endometriosis and lost about 40 lbs. or so.
It took that one broadcast and my mom being a catalyst to forever change my life. Who knew I was a health nut all along?! My mom went to health school 12 years or so ago and became certified as a health coach. I would steal her health books and immerse myself in the knowledge.
I found myself retaining all the medical and nutritional info. Within a couple years I took it a step further and went to school. When I went to school I had diabetes, liver damage, bloat, and undiagnosed cancer.
Yeah, unfortunately when you’ve had years of foreign matter from vaccinations and an unhealthy diet, it takes a toll on the body. Although, I had switched my diet to plant based and vegan. Within a year I received my certification in raw foods for healing and holistic health…and this was great news. I had the tools to keep myself and others dealing with the same health problems alive.
My health was like a yo-yo. When one thing got better something else got worse. I was in and out of the hospitals, seeing various doctors, and getting some answers here and there. I was grateful to have met Dr. Morse online who helped me get rid of the last couple of ailments, such as kidney failure and cancer.
I saw immense progress in my health in 2021 and started to know what it felt like to be healthy. Being terminally ill didn’t stop me from helping others. From 2015 and beyond I traveled educating on the healing benefits of essential oils, won awards, worked as a hospice nurse at hospitals, helped babies, and built programs for my clients.
In 2021 my psychic, holistic health videos went viral on TikTok and I went from 2 followers to now 35,000. It’s been a rewarding feeling helping thousands of people on a global scale. They come to me to help them on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.
And I’m an expert at that because I’ve pretty much been through it all. I’m no stranger to sexual abuse and assault, domestic violence, car accidents, burns, and a traumatic brain injury. I’m no stranger to physical ailments either…so, my methods that I used and know work are strategies I incorporate into my coaching.
My clients have seen tremendous results with them. It’s a joy to feel free and see others become free as well. My mission is to help everyone find healing and heal themselves with the tools presented to them.
They have access to my programs…my internationally known podcast, Avi Unfiltered… my books, “I Made It Out” and “The Power of Why” book series as well. Writing is a passion of mine as well.
I am a digital marketer and Certified UX Copywriter because I wanted to expand my reach by helping holistic health and beauty brands grow their business. After all I know the power of words and solving the problems of potential clients.
So, they can get the transformation that they’re looking for.
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CREA Global Awards presented to
Avishai El
Psychic Medium & Certified Holistic Health Coach
The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist
Daniel Ålund
Selection Committee

Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to
Avishai El
Psychic Medium & Certified Holistic Health Coach
Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.
Caroline Winkvist

Fredrik Elfqvist
Selection Committee