Freelancing offers the freedom to choose projects and clients, but it also comes with unique challenges. Let our contributors guide you through essential skills like client management, pricing, and marketing your services. Discover tips for maintaining work-life balance, securing consistent income, and growing your freelance business sustainably.
How Freelancers Can Get Paid On Time – Top Strategies To Avoid Client Payment Issues
One issue that many freelancers have is clients who do not pay their bills or continually pay their bills late. These are some helpful...
What I’ve Learned In 15 Years As A Freelancer – 6 Self-Care Suggestions
To survive as a freelancer or a consultant for many years, there’s a lot of knowledge to be gained around running a business, money...
What I’ve Learned In 15 Years As A Freelancer – 8 Business-Focused Lessons
It’s time to start a new series about the many lessons I’ve learned as a freelancer over the past (gulp) fifteen years.
How To Protect Your Freelance Or Independent Contractor Business As Laws Change
Are you a freelancer or independent contractor that operates like a business, or are you just skilling along? It’s an important distinction.
How To Build a Successful Freelance Career and Break Free From The 9-5
Freelancing is a growing domain, with around 64 million people engaging in this kind of work in 2023. This job brings plenty of...
Three Tips For Building Your Six-Figure Freelance Career
Becoming a successful freelancer doesn’t often happen overnight.
Top 6 Things To Do When Starting A Freelancing Career
Deciding to become a freelancer can be the most exciting decision you might ever make in your life. But it can also be the scariest. Why?
6 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Freelance Writing Career
Most new writers don't write enough before they decide to make money freelancing. It's that simple...
10 Golden Keys For Success As A Freelance Creative
Written by: Courtlyn Jones , Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute...